Friday, August 15, 2014

Learn How to Drive Business Sales with Twitter

Twitter is a great way to reach a large number of customers that you do not know in a short amount of time. Whether you are a small or large company, with Twitter you are able to access people in your area or people all over the world. Twitter connects your business to your current or future customers. It starts conversations and interest for your business sales.

Getting Started
Image from Shea Bennett

When beginning, have your name or link for Twitter on all your other social media networks so that interested customers can see that you are available on Twitter. Nowadays, to find out quick information many people do use Twitter to find out smaller details because Twitter is fast and straight to the point. Find keywords that match your business and targeted audience. Find one that interests your audience, see what they are talking about and take notice if they are using your keywords or not. Try finding a keyword that is already in use because people will already be searching that word. It is much easier using a current keyword than having to start from scratch. When using your keyword, use a hash tag to make it more searchable. Tweets with a hash tag get at least two times more engagement because there is a bigger chance of more people seeing it than just your followers if they search the same hash tag. Avoid using more than two or three hash tags in a single tweet. Constantly, learn from your best customers. Take notice in their age, income, gender and their interests, because those customers are your targeted audience. If you want to increase your business sales through your targeted audience you have to know who to target.

Increase Connections
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If you are interested in increasing your connections there are a couple things that can be done. Connect with other people so that they take notice in you. Do someone a favor, retweet one of their tweets or mention them because in return they will do the same thing for you. It will be like free advertising for your business. As well, always respond to the people who respond to you. Make your customers or maybe even your competition realize you are interested in what they have to say. In general, do not focus on your number of followers. Focus on the number of followers who fit for what you are looking for in sales.

Make It Limited or Exclusive

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To be able to drive business sales with Twitter, you must create simple tweets that contain compelling content to create interaction. For small businesses, it is good to promote tweets that give exclusive coupons or new insight. Limited coupons and promotions are a great way to drive sales on Twitter because it drives urgency. When actually wanting to drive sales, Twitter suggests that the use of hash tags and mentions should be avoided because it is a distraction from what you are selling. Twitter has a technique called “flock to unlock,” which encourages your followers to share your tweet. If you get a certain number of retweets then you will unlock the offer to the public. If customers know that you usually have limited deals and promotions it will be more likely for them to check up on your account more frequently and if you are lucky, tell their friends about it too.

Watch the video below for more information on “Flock and Unlock”

Information Retrieved from:


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